The following resources are recommended in addition to those discussed above.
Restorative Justice in the Criminal Justice System
Part of the County Health Rankings and Roadmaps put out by the University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute in March 2017, this is resource provides a quick introduction to restorative justice.
The Little Book of Restorative Justice
By Howard Zehr and Ali Gohar, this resource provides a primer on restorative justice. It is available from Good Books and was published October 2003.
Restorative Justice: What Is It and Does It Work?
This scholarly article by Carrie Menkel-Meadow for the Annual Review of Law and Social Science in 2007 explores the literature about restorative justice.
Guidelines for Victim-Sensitive Victim-Offender Mediation: Restorative Justice Through Dialogue
Developed by Mark S. Umbreit and Jean Greenwood for the University of Minnesota, School of Social Work in April 2000, this resource is an example of good guidelines on how to implement and practice restorative justice.
The Centre for Justice & Reconciliation, Restorative Justice Library
This website provides many more resources on restorative justice.